
Decision: de = ‘off’ + caedere =’cut’

Today we visited the Planet Word museum. It was an incredible immersion into the history and art of language. I learned that 40% of languages that […]

Psychosomatic illness as metaphor

What a journey, I just finished a year long training in working with psychosomatic issues using emotion-image therapy (EIT). The training was about how EIT techniques […]

Literature can be toxic or elevating

About seven years ago I took a course called Literature and Mental Health, I wanted to better understand how bibliotherapy works. I learned that through reading […]

Adulthood and choices we make under stress 

According to a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, 18 to 25 year olds felt that accepting responsibility for the consequences of their actions […]

Envy and Jealousy

This post is inspired by a few recent discussions about envy and jealousy. It took me years of self-study and research to understand the difference between envy […]

To evolve or not to evolve

For many an expression of changing oneself sounds like breaking oneself or betraying oneself. How about evolution? Living things evolve, if they don’t evolve they die, […]

What is maturity?

Maturity is not a matter of age, it is a matter of how you choose to respond and react to various life situations. We all go […]

Symbiosis or autonomy

Sometimes making a decision is difficult because we feel confused. One of the reasons for the confusion is symbiotic or entangled relationships. Symbiotic in terms of […]

Our emotional state drives our decisions.

Our current emotional state drives our decisions. It can either narrow our perspective or broaden it. For example, When we are in a state of euphoria […]