Dopamine runs the show when it comes to decision-making. It pushes us toward choices based on expected rewards, be it an experience, an object, or a […]
Ever considered how your feelings shape your decisions? Sometimes, we realize their impact only after the fact and might regret them later. Our biases are like […]
Forgot to share my milestone! In June of this year I made my first presentation at the annual Emotion-Image Therapy (EIT) conference (V Ежегодная конференция: Все […]
Our cognitive biases such as overconfidence or underconfidence bias lead us to decisions that we later regret. Are you able to find a balance without either […]
What a journey, I just finished a year long training in working with psychosomatic issues using emotion-image therapy (EIT). The training was about how EIT techniques […]
We like to believe that we make decisions rationally and objectively. But in reality, we all are biased, and biases influence the choices we make. Our […]