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In June of this year I made my first presentation at the annual Emotion-Image Therapy (EIT) conference (V Ежегодная конференция: Все грани эмоционально-образной терапии, where I introduced how methods of EIT can be used in helping people make challenging life altering decisions. Participating at the conference was a step stone for me as I am developing my masterclass, where I will teach how EIT techniques can be used in decision making.
We live in an environment where our choices are willingly or unwillingly architected. We are presented with choices in a way that influences our decisions. We, ourselves, are choice architects when we frame information to self or others. The way we frame the information always influences range of options we see available to us and the decisions we make.
EIT has unique and effective techniques that allow people to see beyond architected choices. It allows us to see broader, it helps to clear intuition, integrates logical and illogical mind, and brings us to the present, a place where best choices are made and future is created.
For example, I had a client who was not sure if she wanted a second child. She felt like her biological clock was ticking. She felt that she would lose the opportunity to have a second child if she doesn’t get pregnant now. After working with me she realized that her main motivation to have a second child was to follow family tradition, where all relatives had two children. Becoming aware of her real motivation she felt that it was not a good reason to have a second child.
I do not make choices or give suggestions to my clients, but I help them connect with themselves in a way that brings up their true motivation for making a particular choice. When they are clear on what truly motivates them, when they become aware of the driving force behind their choices it is up to them to make the choice.
My goal is to help my clients swim in the right direction. It is not enough to know the swimming technique, you also need to know the directions otherwise you can be swimming to the bottom of the ocean.
I use EIT techniques to help calibrate wants, needs and abilities so that my clients see clearly their authentic motivation and direction.
Decision making with