Our cognitive biases such as overconfidence or underconfidence bias lead us to decisions that we later regret.
Are you able to find a balance without either pumping yourself up or putting yourself down?
Many of our decisions come from our inner child.
Inner child can be healthy and adequate, playful, spontaneous and creative.
Inner child can be in distress, frustrated, angry, jealous, scared, sad and needy. He/she can sabotage any growth because he/she feels overwhelmed by his/her feelings.
He/she might feel that he/she will not be able to tolerate it and something horrible will happen to them if they let the feelings in.
Healthy and adequate inner child doesn’t need any help in decision making, but an inner child who sabotages his/her growth needs someone who holds his/her hand until he/she develops an inner caring parent and adult.
Without uncovering and developing caring inner parents, the inner child will keep digging a deeper hole for him/herself.
Unfortunately with time getting oneself out of the self created hole will be more and more challenging.
Vital energy will diminish and a person will go down into the spiral.
Supportive inner parent can take care of the inner child’s needs in an adequate way, with healthy boundaries, without spoiling or indulging him/her.
Developing a nurturing inner parent will make the person whole and autonomous, he/she will not need to lean on the opinions of others.
He/she will feel grounded, calm and adequate regardless of what happens outside. And from this inner state decision making is easy.
Decision making with vikacoaching.com