What a journey, I just finished a year long training in working with psychosomatic issues using emotion-image therapy (EIT). The training was about how EIT techniques can be supportive in treatment of physical illness, how it can improve effectiveness of conventional therapy, prevent recurrences, and be a preventive measure for not developing the illness.
Psychosomatics is not my specialty, but studying it theoretically and experientially allowed me to get in touch with inner conflicts, which were still running on the back burner. It was a difficult journey, but it allowed me to address unresolved inner issues. The better I understand myself, the more I untangle myself the better and more effectively I am at helping my clients.
This training gave me another layer of depth of understanding. Looking at symptoms from a metaphoric point of view opens a whole new angle for self-understanding. It leads to self-discoveries that otherwise are inaccessible.
So many topics are covered: musculoskeletal, respiratory, reproductive, digestive, urinary, circulatory, cardiovascular and immune systems among other topics.
Psychosomatics is such a fascinating topic, so many metaphors that bring inner psychological conflicts to surface. It is such a creative way to work with yourself.
This kind of self-exploration, exploration of a symptom or illness expedites maturity, leads to acceptance of responsibility, in taking a proactive role in one’s own life and decisions that lead to healthy life in all areas.
This training was developed and led by Тамара Смирнова (Tamara Smirnova) at https://ei-t.ru/