Daniel Kahneman, an Israeli-American psychologist and economist is known for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making. He talks about two brain systems: System 1 (reflexes, fast) and System 2 (reflection, slow).
The reflexive mode is a survivor mode, it is about impulses and reflexes. Fast decision making.
The reflective mode is explorative mode. Slow decision making.
Each of the modes has its pluses and minuses. Each can be beneficial or inefficient in certain situations.
Always making decisions slowly can deprive us of spontaneity.
Always making fast decisions can lead to many mistakes and irreparable regrets.
The reflexive mode is good for making routine decisions and the reflective mode is great when your choice will have a significant or long term consequence for your life.
Learning to recognize situations in which to use fast or slow decision modes will help avoid significant mistakes when the stakes are high.